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A staple of third world air forces that can't afford anything else, the Weaponized Mammatus is a true multirole aircraft. It's part recon, part cargo, part transport, part attacker, and fully screwed against anything with the word "anti-air" in its name. Please note: This aircraft is excluded from Pegasus Lifestyle Management and must be stored in a personal hangar.
— Warstock Cache & Carry description.

The Jobuilt Weaponized Mammatus is a single-engine military multirole utility attack aircraft featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Air Superiority update.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

The aircraft is basically a slightly enlarged version of the Mammatus, most notably converted to be a two-seater, with the rear passenger compartment removed and replaced with a slightly longer cargo hold or bomb bay. Like its basis, the Weaponized Mammatus is based on various Cessna aircraft, namely the 172 Skyhawk, 177 Cardinal, and 182 Skylane. However, its role as a military aircraft, namely as a reconnaissance, utility, and attack aircraft, is derived from the O-1 Bird Dog and AC-208 Combat Caravan.

In terms of armament, the Weaponized Mammatus has three side-by-side rocket launcher tubes (similar to the rocket tubes on the P-45 Nokota) on each wing. The bottom of the fuselage has a bomb hatch that opens if bombs are selected for use. The co-pilot can use a reconnaissance camera which cannot be moved around but can be zoomed.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]


The Weaponized Mammatus is functionally similar to the regular Mammatus, albeit with a slightly higher top speed and increased weight. It possesses great acceleration, but a low top speed, though it is still somewhat faster than the standard Mammatus and the Duster. Its landing speed is excellent, and it can come to a stop almost immediately.

Due to the added weight of its armaments, the Weaponized Mammatus requires a slightly longer take-off distance, and sinks dramatically once airborne, requiring extra care during take-off. It is also not as maneuverable as other armed aircraft, likely due to its nature as a civilian-grade utility plane, and it has some difficulties performing even simple barrel rolls. The Weaponized Mammatus is an excellent aircraft for players who want to ease into attack aircraft without spending too much on a more advanced aircraft, but it is very vulnerable to airborne threats and homing missiles, against which it cannot effectively defend itself.


The Weaponized Mammatus, as an attack aircraft, has very resistant armor that is comparable to the B-11 Strikeforce. It can withstand about four explosions, though the third will very likely cripple the engine, giving the pilot and occupants time to bail from the aircraft. It is able to take more shots from Miniguns and Heavy Snipers as well. This makes it one of the most resistant propeller aircraft in the game.

The aircraft can be fitted with countermeasures to improve its defensive capabilities against homing missiles, each one with their own attributes:

  • The Chaff countermeasure disrupts the targeting system from missile launchers, cancelling any locks and rendering them unable to lock on the aircraft for ten seconds. Pilots who fly through the Chaff cloud will also receive a false missile lock warning for three seconds. They have a delay of five seconds before being used again and only have 10 uses.
  • The Flare countermeasure drops several flares from the bottom of the aircraft, which can "disorient" the homing missile in order to avoid chasing the aircraft. They have a delay of three seconds before being used again and only have 20 uses.
  • The Smoke countermeasure creates a trail of smoke that can disorient the enemy pilot, but its effectiveness is very limited, as the trail is large enough for a standard cockpit and the enemy pilot would just need to move away and follow the smoke trail. It has no delay between uses and can be used indefinitely.


  • Rockets: The Weaponized Mammatus can equip rocket launchers that can fire up to ten unguided rockets at a time, either individually or in a barrage, though the rockets must "reload" after firing a full volley or ten rockets without switching weapons; this cooldown lasts for about four seconds. The rockets have a similar range to the RPG and are slightly faster.
  • Bombs: The Weaponized Mammatus has the option for installing bombs, providing heavy firepower against ground targets but increasing weight and reducing maneuverability. There are four different bomb types: Explosive, Incendiary, Gas and Cluster.
    • Explosive: Standard bomb, dealing consistent, high damage over targets from all ranges.
    • Incendiary: Creates a trail of fire similar to the Molotov Cocktail, burning targets for constant damage. Although the bombs are powerful on impact, it deals low splash damage.
    • Gas: Creates a large gas cloud that has a noxious effect on players and NPCs, similar to the Tear Gas. It has a larger blast radius, but is unable to damage vehicles. The gas lasts for around 25 seconds.
    • Cluster: Creates a smaller explosion on impact, but deploys smaller cluster bombs within a larger radius, allowing for greater damage against either a single target or multiple close targets.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Category Modification Price Notes
Armor None $1,000
Armor Upgrade 20% $7,500
Armor Upgrade 40% $12,000
Armor Upgrade 60% $20,000
Armor Upgrade 80% $35,000
Armor Upgrade 100% $50,000
Countermeasures None $700
Chaff (10) $70,000
Flare (20) $110,000
Smoke $68,500
Engine EMS Upgrade, Level 1 $9,000
EMS Upgrade, Level 2 $12,500
EMS Upgrade, Level 3 $18,000
EMS Upgrade, Level 4 $33,500
Handling Stock Handling $1,000
Smooth Handling $20,000
Sport Handling $27,000
Race Handling $35,000
Livery None $11,400 Default design.
Little Bird $18,240 Olive green design with U.S. Army markings and shark nose art.
Still Kicking $19,380 Grey design with modern USAF markings.
Lifeboat $20,520 White and orange design with U.S. Coast Guard markings.
Recon $21,660 Green and brown camouflage design.
Treason $22,800 Tan design with standard military markings that have been covered up or struck through with red paint. The bottom of the wings, from left to right, reads "NO MASTERS".
Boneyard $23,370 Extremely rusty light grey design with faded South Vietnam Air Force markings.
Covert Ops $23,939 Red and white design mimicking the regular Mammatus' appearance, albeit without a registration number. Also includes fake rear windows.
Air Cadet $24,510 White, blue, and red design with USAF markings, based on modern U.S. Civil Air Patrol markings.
Fire Rescue $25,080 Yellow, red, and white design with Los Santos Fire Department markings.
Fisher Squadron $25,650 Black livery with red wings and vertical stabilizer, with the Fisher Squadron insignia on the doors and vertical stabilizer. Small white text below the insignia on the door reads "RECON CRAFT".
Respray Main article: Los Santos Customs/Respray Colors
Sell Sell Vehicle
Weapons Rockets None $700
Standard $100,000
Bombs None $700
Explosive $75,000
Incendiary $85,000
Gas $95,000
Cluster $120,000

Prominent Appearances in Missions[]

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

  • Provided for use in Operation Vigilante and Operation World Hand.
  • Appears as enemies in Operation Watery Grave and Operation Vigilante.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]


  • The Weaponized Mammatus is the only aircraft added in the Air Superiority update that lacks missiles, machine guns, or cannons.